Admin documentation

Bot token

Before setting up the bot you need to create a discord application and generate a bot token.

Discord.js has a great guide on how to create one.


There are several ways to self-host the bot.


FIXME: outdated

Environment variables

# Essential
DATABASE_PASS=insecure-pass       # Password to access the postgres database
DISCORD_API_KEY=...               # Your discord bot token from

# Not so essential configuration
GS_PREFIX=!                     # The prefix used for chat commands
GS_ADMIN_FLAG=ADMINISTRATOR     # The permission that qualifies a user as an admin
GS_TICK_COUNT=60                # The number of ticks the bot should use, the status updates are spread across these evenly
GS_TICK_TIME=1000               # The time the bot waits in between each tick
GS_CHANNEL_LIMIT=3              # The limit on status messages in a single channel
GS_GUILD_LIMIT=3                # The limit on status messages in a single guild
GS_SUPPORT_LINK=  # The link displayed in !botinfo